Payment portal

Payment portal is here!

Date Published:
Thursday 16 November 2017

Did you know you can now pay for dinner money, school trips, clubs and more using our online payment system Payment Portal?

What is Payment Portal?

Payment Portal is a convenient online payment system which allows parents to make secure payments for lunch money, trips and other events that are happening in school.

Why are we using it?

We use Payment Portal as it is a secure, flexible and efficient way for parents to make payments, it reduces the amount of cash brought into school and provides parents with a secure record of all transactions.

How do I access it?

If you have a child that attends the school, you should have been given an instruction letter and a unique code to set up your Payment Portal account this month.

If you are yet to recieve a letter or you want us to send another one, please give us a call on 0191 378 0562.