
Lucy is headteacher for the day!

Date Published:
Thursday 25 May 2023
  • Headteacher for a day
  • Headteacher for a day
  • Headteacher for a day
  • Headteacher for a day
  • Headteacher for a day
  • Headteacher for a day

Lucy has had a fantastic day enjoying her raffle prize 'to be Headteacher for the day'!

Not only did she come into school early so she could stand at the gate and greet everyone on their way into school, she looked amazing in her Elsa dress and sparkly light up shoes.

Lucy visited classes to make sure everyone was well behaved, presented certificates in our celebration assembly, played ‘Let it Go’ for all the children to sing and had a meeting with her friends in the Headteacher's office. Lucy’s favourite part of the day was ‘blowing the whistle when it got too noisy'.

She has been a little superstar all day!