
Fun in the community

Date Published:
Monday 06 November 2023

A group of our pupils recently enjoyed a lovely afternoon planting spring bulbs as part of a community afternoon with Friends of Addison Park. 

With funding from Durham County Council Civic Pride, over 4000 bulbs were purchased to plant as part of the ‘it’s in your neighbourhood’ grant. Our children didn't let the rain dampen their spirits as they planted tulips, snowdrops, crocus and bluebell bulbs. We can’t wait to see them all appear in the springtime!

Staff from Friends of Addison Park said: "We have really enjoyed planning the bulb planting session with Browney Academy so that we can plant the spring bulbs together. The flowers will be ready to make an appearance in the spring and when they do each year, as well as brightening up Addison Park we will be reminded of the efforts of the children who planted them. We want to thank the school and all involved for helping make our park even better for the community and we hope you enjoy seeing the fruits of your labour early next year when you come to play." 

A member of Durham County Council's Clean Team commented: "I would like to say how wonderfully behaved the children were and a total credit to the school. We could have not done the planting without them."

  • Bulb planting
  • Bulb planting
  • Bulb planting
  • Bulb planting