Browney Academy-43

Curriculum intent

Browney Academy aims to provide a creative, inclusive, challenging and real-world curriculum that inspires future thinkers, innovators and problem-solvers in an immersive environment that stimulates and supports high-quality learning. To ensure that all learners exceed their potential academically, socially, emotionally and spiritually with their families, in their communities and in the wider world ensuring they become ambitious lifelong learners.

Our curriculum is customised, personalised and structured so that the development of knowledge, skills and vocabulary is completed in a systematic and logical sequence, with big ideas being re-introduced throughout Key Stages in a variety of projects, making links between subjects and content. The curriculum is organised to support pupils growing depth of learning using a project-based, thematic approach, it provides children with a range and breadth of rich and memorable learning experiences which promote SMSC and British Values,

When designing our curriculum we have ensured a well-planned program which recognises the knowledge and skills that pupils will need for later life, taking into account our local mining heritage. Browney Academy places the community at the heart of all it does, we strive to leave a legacy for future learners and generations to come. 

The teaching of all subjects within the curriculum is fully compliant with our duties under the Equality Act 2010 and Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 as exemplified in the NELT Equality and Diversity statement and objectives, the Academy SEND Policy and reported through the SEND Information Report.

You can find out more about our curriculum and how it is used by visiting the Curriculum by subject or Classes sections of our website. 

Find the North East Learning Trust curriculum statement here