Swimming results 2023/24
Our current Year 6s have been swimming for the last half term. The outcomes are as follows:
- 89% of children can swim 25m unaided
- 89% of children can perform a range of recognised strokes
- 89% of children can perform safe rescue.
Sustainability Statement
- Our children will continue to increase their skills and abilities in a range of different sports and activities which will challenge them and prepare them for later in life.
- Our children will develop a range of skills including teamwork, leadership, respect and sportsmanship which they can take with them and develop not only in sport but in other areas of the curriculum and the wider community
- Teaching staff will use the skills and knowledge gained from the range of CPD opportunities attended and continue to build on this knowledge in future years.
- Subject Leaders have further developed their knowledge and skills to lead P.E and will continue to build on their experiences already gained. This will include sharing expertise with other members of staff to build on the current provision and ensure high quality teaching.
Sports opportunities
Football and netball teams
Children from Years 5 and 6 took part in the Durham Football League at Meadowfield Leisure Centre and the High Five Netball League at Framwellgate Moor. The teams represented our school demonstrating skills like resilience, teamwork and determination.
Sports Clubs
Dates and clubs to be confirmed in September in line with government regulations.
Playground Leaders
Children from Year 2, 3, 5 and 6 take on the role Playground Leaders. The children attended training sessions provided by the School Sports Partnership to gain an understanding on how to effectively lead activities and games on the yard to support children in being more active. During these sessions, the children learnt a number of games and communication skills that they used on the playground. On a weekly basis, children work alongside our sports coach to learn new ideas and games to ensure children continue to be inspired to take part in regular activity. All Playground Leaders trained are now confident to lead active sessions with a group of children on the yard and have the responsibility of setting this up and facilitating daily sessions.
School Games Values
During each PE lesson, school games values are discussed. They are also linked into other areas of school life linking well with our rights-respecting school ethos.
The 6 School Games Values:
DETERMINATION: Keep going no matter what. Determination is about the journey you go on to push yourself and achieve your dreams. Have the mental strength and self-discipline to overcome obstacles, commit to your goals and keep working every day to become the very best you can be. Don’t hold back!
RESPECT: Show respect for the referee, for the opposition, for your teammates, for yourself and for the game. Accepting victory and defeat with grace, treating others politely and with understanding. Have respect every day, in every sport and for everyone.
TEAMWORK: Treating everyone equally, supporting each other and working together to have fun and achieve. Celebrate each other’s success and be a positive team player.
HONESTY: Be honest with others and with yourself. Have the courage to do the right thing and what you know is right. Let the best person win, not the best cheat.
SELF-BELIEF: You’ve got to believe to achieve. Have the self-belief and confidence to succeed and reach your personal best
PASSION: Giving it 100 per cent. Put your heart and soul into the game and never give up. Passion makes you enter the race and passion makes you finish it.
Active 30 Award
The Active 30 aims to help and to support every pupil to participate in 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity activity every day at school – as recommended by the Chief Medical Officer (CMO). At Browney Academy we do this throughout the day with the Daily Mile, active playtimes with activities led by our trained playground leaders and active bursts throughout the school day.