
Year 5 go back in time

Date Published:
Wednesday 24 April 2024
  • Year 5
  • Year 5
  • Year 5
  • Year 5
  • Year 5
  • Year 5
  • Year 5
  • Year 5
  • Year 5
  • Year 5
  • Year 5
  • Year 5
  • Year 5
  • Year 5
  • Year 5
  • Year 5

Year 5 took a thrilling journey back in time as they explored incredible Ancient Greek artefacts from Durham Learning Resources this week! The fascinating collection sparked curiosity and wonder for their new topic 'Groundbreaking Greeks.' The pupils were amazed by the craftsmanship of delicate pottery and the intricate designs on coins. After careful inspection, Year 5 made a class display of the artefacts to continue to inspire them as they continue their topic this term.