
Year 5 go back in time at Beamish!

Date Published:
Thursday 27 June 2024
  • Year 5
  • Year 5
  • Year 5
  • Year 5
  • Year 5
  • Year 5
  • Year 5
  • Year 5
  • Year 5
  • Year 5
  • Year 5
  • Year 5
  • Year 5
  • Year 5
  • Year 5
  • Year 5

Year 5 had such a great trip to Beamish last week! It was so fascinating to explore the local mining village, including a workshop investigation into the life of James White, who died in a mining incident at Beamish Colliery. We spent the day learning about the history of Beamish, and of course, made a stop at the sweet shop in the 1900s town too!